I hate God, no really I do.
I came to the decision long ago that I do not believe in a god. Any god. Now in and of itself that's not a big deal, lots of people don't believe. But what gets me is how hard it is to not believe. Hard in the sense that others can't seem to accept that you don't believe. They treat you as confused, or lost. They say quaint little things like, "Well when you get older you might change your mind." or "you say that now". They seem to assume it's a phase your going through and they have troubling accepting that you don't accept. They fail to see that they are the ones without proof of what they believe, and seem to pity you for not being willing or able to accept what they believe. It is as if your insistence for proof is a failing of some sort on your part. It isn't. IN every other facet of the world people insist on evidence, yet when it comes to their immortal soul they are willing to bet on an unproven fairy tale.
There is a completely false (I believe) acceptance of an assumption that a religion of any kind is of some value though no one ever offers any solid proof as to why that is the case. There also seems to be a belief (Unfounded, I believe) that morality must stem from a religion. Both of these positions diminish mankind and his ability to rule himself, think for the collective good, and show compassion for those who are different. I do not believe I have to be directed by a God to know what behaviors are hurtful to others and by extension myself, and to say I need that guidance I find insulting to my intelligence.
I have friends that believe in a god and that's their choice, so be it. And if it makes them more tolerant caring human beings then good on them, but please don't assume you are doing me a favor by "praying for me" That is soooo condescending. It assumes I made a wrong choice by ignorance or intent and you are going to make it right with your god on my behalf?? SCREW YOU. Who are you to say my belief is wrong? If you can show me proof of your "God" maybe I'll bite, but if not, then just keep your beliefs and your prayers to yourself.
I do not believe Religion is harmless. In fact I believe it is ABSOLUTELY harmful. I believe it does us all harm as religion for centuries allowed people to justify the unjustifiable. Want the Palestinians out of Israel? NO problem he gave the land to your people not them!! Non-Belivers all, feel free to kill them. Want the Jews out of Palestine? No sweat wage a holy war! Religion makes whores of humanity. We exist in religion to buy our afterlife via behavior that pleases a God? A God that made us imperfect creatures in the first place?. A God that supposedly knows we are going to act the way we do? WTF kind of test is that? What kind of sick bastard creates creatures to stutter only to give a reading test that punishes those that stutter? I know you need faith... but faith to accept all of the contradictions of the dogma? .. faith to ignore the evil done in the Gods name, by his followers?? Just accept it as Gods will? Where is the morality and righteousness in that?
I think if we were to add it all up more have died as a result of "Gods work" (all kids of Gods) being done than any other cause... I mean really... the crusades, the inquisitions, the missions, Holy wars, current wars between Jews and Muslims, Christians and the world, Catholics and protestants etc, etc. and the blood baths continue. Then there is the Tithing of the poor, indulgences for the wealthy, faith-healing for the ignorant (provided you got some goats...), and of late the pedophile harboring and the covering-up of other crimes of churches against humanities most accepting, ignorant and vulnerable children.
More annoying than this to me is that many of faith know little of their faith and choose to remain happily ignorant of the history of their faith. If they dug a little deeper they might get uncomfortable. But religion expects us to be sheep. (literally - priests tend their flock.) And for those that would say the evils of which I spoke were not done by any god but by people I say to you that if a religion/god allowed it, then they are all guilty by association.
I can respect people who belief in something. I have friends that do believe, they mass every Sunday (yeah I verbed it) They keep it to themselves and they don't impose it on the world. They are good people, but they could do all of that believing in the Celestial Teapot or FSM just as well.
So I am saying NO to religion and other drugs. Don't pray for me. I don't need it, don't want it and don't/won't accept it. You tend to your immortal soul... I will just try to get by and leave the place (my life) in better shape that I got it in and try to take care of those I love in the best way I can during the ride...... The here and now keeps me plenty busy as it is....
There is a completely false (I believe) acceptance of an assumption that a religion of any kind is of some value though no one ever offers any solid proof as to why that is the case. There also seems to be a belief (Unfounded, I believe) that morality must stem from a religion. Both of these positions diminish mankind and his ability to rule himself, think for the collective good, and show compassion for those who are different. I do not believe I have to be directed by a God to know what behaviors are hurtful to others and by extension myself, and to say I need that guidance I find insulting to my intelligence.
I have friends that believe in a god and that's their choice, so be it. And if it makes them more tolerant caring human beings then good on them, but please don't assume you are doing me a favor by "praying for me" That is soooo condescending. It assumes I made a wrong choice by ignorance or intent and you are going to make it right with your god on my behalf?? SCREW YOU. Who are you to say my belief is wrong? If you can show me proof of your "God" maybe I'll bite, but if not, then just keep your beliefs and your prayers to yourself.
I do not believe Religion is harmless. In fact I believe it is ABSOLUTELY harmful. I believe it does us all harm as religion for centuries allowed people to justify the unjustifiable. Want the Palestinians out of Israel? NO problem he gave the land to your people not them!! Non-Belivers all, feel free to kill them. Want the Jews out of Palestine? No sweat wage a holy war! Religion makes whores of humanity. We exist in religion to buy our afterlife via behavior that pleases a God? A God that made us imperfect creatures in the first place?. A God that supposedly knows we are going to act the way we do? WTF kind of test is that? What kind of sick bastard creates creatures to stutter only to give a reading test that punishes those that stutter? I know you need faith... but faith to accept all of the contradictions of the dogma? .. faith to ignore the evil done in the Gods name, by his followers?? Just accept it as Gods will? Where is the morality and righteousness in that?
I think if we were to add it all up more have died as a result of "Gods work" (all kids of Gods) being done than any other cause... I mean really... the crusades, the inquisitions, the missions, Holy wars, current wars between Jews and Muslims, Christians and the world, Catholics and protestants etc, etc. and the blood baths continue. Then there is the Tithing of the poor, indulgences for the wealthy, faith-healing for the ignorant (provided you got some goats...), and of late the pedophile harboring and the covering-up of other crimes of churches against humanities most accepting, ignorant and vulnerable children.
More annoying than this to me is that many of faith know little of their faith and choose to remain happily ignorant of the history of their faith. If they dug a little deeper they might get uncomfortable. But religion expects us to be sheep. (literally - priests tend their flock.) And for those that would say the evils of which I spoke were not done by any god but by people I say to you that if a religion/god allowed it, then they are all guilty by association.
I can respect people who belief in something. I have friends that do believe, they mass every Sunday (yeah I verbed it) They keep it to themselves and they don't impose it on the world. They are good people, but they could do all of that believing in the Celestial Teapot or FSM just as well.
So I am saying NO to religion and other drugs. Don't pray for me. I don't need it, don't want it and don't/won't accept it. You tend to your immortal soul... I will just try to get by and leave the place (my life) in better shape that I got it in and try to take care of those I love in the best way I can during the ride...... The here and now keeps me plenty busy as it is....
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