Horsemen I have a group of friends that I have known since I was 19/20 years old. These were friends I met during the summer. Over the years we spent many many summers working together at a training facility for young people. The work, while very rewarding and personally gratifying, was hard. It usually was a 0600hr rise and concluded at 2000hrs in the evening. 14 hours a day and they were very often very active days. Housing/clothing and food was provided. Work consisted of 6/7 days a week and the work term was 6-8 weeks depending. This work we did for many years together. As a result of the hard work and significant challenges we faced daily, the most valuable commodity available was time. If someone gave you time, or helped you save time, they were giving you something that was gold. Time was the one thing you never had enough of ever! The result of this reality is that the friendships formed out of mutual support became significant not only because of what th...