
Showing posts from December, 2014

Happy New Year.

People are funny. Most of the year we go happily about our business, dutifully immersed in our daily lives and schedules, oblivious to the majority of events in the world around us. We chat with our friends about the weather and what Sally Bloggins did. (A sin what happened wasn't it?) We do this routinely without ever really knowing or, in many cases for that matter, caring about what happens in the world around us. We live our own lives. Then, with American Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years all on top of each other, we proclaim loudly to reflect and consider others. Aye, the same others we have been ignoring for the past 10 months. This srikes me as a load of self-righteous bullshit. Hah!! Most of us spend ten and a half months of the year unable to see past our own noses, and then think ourselves spiritual and reflective when we go through the motions while sitting at a table with food enough on it to feed the hungry for a week?  I wonder.... How deep do our reflection...

What I believe

I have taken this space to rant about what I don't believe in before but I have not been clear as to what I DO believe, so in the spirit of full disclosure, here it is in part ....and please excuse me for the rambling... I believe in Karma.  Not the "everything comes around because it has to kind of Karma,  but like a gambles believes that sooner or later their number has to come up a winner,  I believe that if you, or anyone for that matter,  is a complete tool it follows that at some point in time someone is going to be a complete tool to you.  I see that as probable. I also see that as balancing and I strongly believe in Balance. I believe in Balance. Good, bad it's all part of us and we are all capable of both. I also believe it is possible for something we see as evil to be good for someone else. I know as a younger person I have committed acts I believed to be good only to later in life, upon reflection, to view differently. I also believe our p...

The Measure of a Man

I don't believe in God. A decision I came to a long time ago and have grown more obstinate about recently. While I once just tolerated others believing nowadays I become annoyed and agitated when they (Other People) just assume I am a christian like them. Likewise I do not believe as I am told that religion is good. Nor do I believe it is harmless. All this said one of the few times it causes me concern of any real nature is when someone dies. Given that I don't believe, how can I offer comfort or support someone else in their mourning? You see, I do not believe the dead are in "a better place."  Even if I did for that matter, wouldn't it be presumptuous of me to assume to know what good or evil was in their heart when they died? So not believing in heaven or hell puts me in a bind. You see, when people say things like "god has just received another angel..", well, I think that's crap. But I am well aware that at a time of a death or someon...