Piss off I'm stuffed.

My brother a few years back gave to me an expression that I will forever carry with me. The expression is "It's a Hamburger". It means that an issue or event is not something that is worth your time, because it wasn't worth someone else's time earlier although they are making alot of noise now - as if it was important. Bear with me if you will, while I tell the story of its origin and it will make more sense. My brother and a friend of his (We will call him Bill) go to a popular burger joint and go to the counter to order. They place their orders with my brother's order being very specific, something like, "extra tomatoes, no lettuce and easy on the mustard, make the bacon crispy.." They collect their orders and go and sit down to eat their food. My brother, upon unwrapping his food, is dismayed that it is not in compliance with the specific instructions he left with the clerk at the counter. He begins to express his displeasure to his friend th...