
I knew a young man who died a little while back. At a time of a death there is usually a head long rush to honor the individual who has died no matter who he was, or how he lived. I know some real jerks who have died - or at least they were jerks to me. But hey, even Al Capone had a mother right? This young man who died was no different than any young man, he was struggling to sort out his life, make sense of the world, and get on with the business of living. There was nothing glorious about his death or for that matter his life. He was torn from the world too young (29 or so) and much as my own life these days, he was getting by, and trying to figure out how he could manage getting by better down the road. And in preparation for getting ready to attend a funeral, as I went about the business of thinking about his life and his time in the world, (as I always do when a death occurs near me), something struck me. He was survived by both his parents. And th...