What a load of Bullshit.
What the Hell is Normal? I have come to the conclusion we need to strike some words from our vocabulary because they perpetuate a lie upon all of society. Normal should be the first to go. There is no such thing as normal. I spent most of my childhood life wanting to be "normal." (I'm ADHD) Normal for me it seems, is not the same as normal for others. I was not a bad kid. I mean, I liked to do and play at the same stuff as other kids in my school, but for reasons I still struggle with, why was I the one always in trouble? For some reason I always took things a little farther, to far apparently. I was the one that got strapped in school every year, and even multiple times every year!! (yes, it was allowed, and yes it was practiced.) I was the one in detention. Strangely though I also got Straight A's when I wanted to and won speak-offs when I was so inclined and interested in doing it. In the same year I was on the sc...